Allen Garland

Facility Manager

Meet Allen

Allen has a passion for the environment and nature. Allen’s passion began when he volunteered at Penitentiary Glenn Wildlife Center in Kirtland and later became a seasonal Wildlife Education Specialist. Allen graduated from Hiram College with a major in Environmental Studies. At Hiram College, Allen spent three months traveling around the world learning about biomes and teaching small classes. Allen also worked for the James H. Barrow field station caring for a collection of local and endangered wildlife for breeding and education purposes. He worked for ISLS teaching high school teachers to implement hands-on environmental education in local classrooms. After graduation, Allen started his own small business and ran that for nearly a decade. Allen enjoys spending time with his wife going to conventions and fairs, as well as being at home with his dogs and collection of exotic animals.

Our Mission

Engage. Partner. Transform.

Incorporated as a 501(c)3, the mission of the Community Life Collaborative is to engage communities around social and environmental justice issues by empowering untapped relationships, collaborations, and understandings across boundaries.

Support Our Mission

Contact Us

Get in touch with Community Life Collaborative to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 23368
16349 Chillicothe Road Chagrin Falls, OH 44023



Office Hours:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Outside of our office hours we'll be available by appointment only.

Our office is closed on the following holidays:
New Year's Day
MLK Jr. Day
Washington's Birthday
Memorial day
Independence day
Labor Day
Indigenous peoples day
Veteran's day
Thanksgiving day
Winter Holidays