We’re thrilled and honored to have the Jim Roetzel Wings and Voices exhibit installed as the kickoff to a new chapter of engagement to communities through art.
This exhibit is a wonderful complement to the Our Nature Series. During the last year, we explored our (dis)connection with our local ecosystems and the socioeconomic, spiritual, and habitat issues we need to address in order to become agents of change in both big and small ways.
Rethinking, restoring and rebuilding our relationship to nature is an ongoing conversation and we’ll continue to support building better backyards and stronger communities.
The Family Life Center Gardenview Gallery at 16349 Chillicothe Road, Bainbridge
Viewing Hours
Tuesdays from 12 – 5 pm
Wednesdays from 12 – 5 pm
Thursdays from 3 – 7 pm
The CLC hosts subject specific events throughout the year that align with our respective Community Programs. Our non-profit will also have immersive ways to connect through public events and fundraisers periodically.